
Peer-reviewed academic publications are listed here. Occasional writings or translations can be found at the Noir Materialism blog. I also do design and writing for Moth Hovel Games, and some of our products can be purchased directly from Exalted Funeral and Emperors of Eternal Evil.

Published fiction

Other publications

Unpublished translations

      • Emiliano Gonzáles – “Rudisbroeck o los autómatas” (1978)
      • Emiliano Gonzáles – “El devorador de planetas” (1989)
      • Michelangelo Antonioni – Tecnicamenta dolce (Torino: Giulio Einaudi, 1976)
      • Hans Blumenberg – excerpts from Die Vollzähligkeit der Sterne (1997)
      • Ludwig Klages – “Mensch und Erde” (1913)
      • F. W. J. Schelling – miscellaneous letters following the death of Caroline Schelling in 1809
      • Dominique Auffret – excerpts from Alexandre Kojève: La philosophie, l’état, la fin de l’histoire (1990)
      • Alexandre Kojève – previously untranslated passages from the Introduction à la lecture de Hegel
      • Sylvain Lazarus – excerpts from Anthropologie du nom (1997)
      • Alain Badiou – D’un désastre obscur (1991)